poniedziałek, 27 października 2014


So, it's been a long time I haven't wrote here, but I was and I'm still a little busy with school. And I was also a bit lazy to write sth here, but finally I decided to show you all my latest mails. :D
During this whole long time I got a lovely package from Jessica, USA. You should see how happy I was when I got it. :D
 Socks are perfect for cold days <3 and these Frozen stickers! ^^

Then I sent a letter and little birthday gift to Helmi, Finland.

 Lip balm, sweets,little notebook, postacrd, pins

I also got a wonderful present from her :)
 I love everything she sent me , and next lovely bracelet to my collection :D

Some postcard I received through postcrossing:

 This one isn't from postcrossinf, it from my friend who visited London in summer. :)

czwartek, 4 września 2014

full mailbox

This week my mailbox was very happy! In the begginig of the week, I got letter from Janine( Germany). She added some sweets and sherbet, superbly! :)

And yesterday I got a parcel with surprise mix tag from the same person from Scotland as earlier (she tagged me second time in this tag). I like a lot things she sent. There were: some stickers, a button pin, a sample of Nicki Minaj's perfume, a little magnet, a paper napkin, a lollipop, little organic milk chocolate ( was delicious!), Maltesers hot chocolate, a sticking plaster and she also enclosed the new pair of earrings, since when she sent it earlier one of them damaged on their way. It's so nice of her! :)

And today I got a package from Germany full of sweets. I wrote to Stefanie if she want to do a private swap again with me, and she agreed. We decided that she'll sent me sweets and I'll send her beauty products. I only had to wait until she come back from Iceland and she brought for me candies from there. :) Everything looks so yummy!

My package to her I sent on Tuesday. I bought a black mascara, a blue nail polish, eye shadows palette, two face masks, a lip gloss and a lip balm. I hope she will like all the items. :)

Funny postcard

I got a really funny postcard for my birthday(above one week ago) from my father, from Sweden. Haha, look at this!

wtorek, 26 sierpnia 2014

Postcard, tag and letter

Lately, I also sent one postcard through postcrossing to Germany. She wished for sth connected with fashion. I hope that she will like this postcard, I only found sth like that. :) Heres' the photo of this postcard:

What's more, I took part in other tag. This time it's rurprise mix tag. I tagged a person from Germany. I decided to sent colourful stickers, 3D Eiffel Tower stickers, postcard, a bus ticket, candy, some note cards, a face mask and a tea bag. 

Oh, and I got a nice letter from Lily (Finland). It was really nice to hear from her after a long time. However, she can't sent it earlier because she was busy with school and work. Wish I had a job. :D

Lovely stationery and MOOMIN lollipop 

Letter to Finland and package

Last week I sent letter to Helmi (Finland). I enclosed some sweets, stickers, a bust ticket from my city and a chewing gum. :)

 And yesterday I sent the package to Alyssa(USA). I prepared it long time ago. There are stickers, postcards, some sweets, a recipe, my drawing of Liam(from One Direction- he's her favourite!), long letter and a T-shirt with nice quote. :) I hope she will receive it soon and like it! :)
What do you think about it?

And the package looks like that.

poniedziałek, 18 sierpnia 2014

Happy mailbox and tag

It's been really long time I didn't take part in ny tags. However, some time ago, I decided to tag in Offering a lots of little things tag. In this tag you offer at least 20 little things and the person who will tag you can choose 5 things. I tagged woman from Scotland and today I got a lovely items, she sent me. Whats more she also added some extras - it is amazing stationery.
Lovely earrings(however one of the earrings is broken :( -so shame, cause theyre so cute), Mario notepad, Scottish castle postcard, twilight eraser, a magnet with Pizza :D and stationery & london markers
I've chosen all of these things except eraser, stationery and london markers. Fifth thing I've chosen was an inprised profile surprise and she picked these lovely things for me and send extra stationery. :)

Last week I also sent things to person who tagged me. It was the first time I was sending something to Portugal. I hope it will arrive safely. She chose: a cute napkin, a pen, a little notepad, a stickers sheet and 2 bags of tea. 
Below, you can take a look! :)

 Today my mailbox was happy since I haventt recieved anything for last week. And I also found an adorable letter from Helmi (Finland). She added a tea bag(however I don't drink too much tea, since I'm not a tea lover, I will try it because it is fruity ) & stcikers.
This stationery is wonderfful!!

niedziela, 10 sierpnia 2014

Letter from/to Finland

Recently I got a wonderful letter from Tiina(Finland). The letter included: a candy watch ( omg, I remember as I always bought it in a local shop when I was younger :D I haven't thought that it is sold in another country,too. ), a face mask and a tea bag. I'm always curious before opening the letter. :)

I already sent her a reply. With my letter I enclose: a tea bag, a pen with Monster University's characters, a cute napkin and some candies. :) Hope she will like it!

What do you usually sent to your pen pals?

sobota, 2 sierpnia 2014

Time spent really nice!

How I usually spend my free time? Here are few photos which show it! Mostly, I spend my free time with reading a book, shopping, meeting my friends, surfing the Internet, watching movies and some other things.
Recently, I read the new book by Helen Fielding " Bridget Jones, Mad about The Boy ". It's great and fast to read book. I can definitely recommend it! Maybe have you already read it? If yes, what do you think?
I also tried a new smoothie in McDonalds: mango & pineapple. So delicious! An great for a hot days! What else? For the first time I ate the Belgian Fries and frozen yougurt. Fries are also yummy and very filling, as about yougurt I wanna eat it more, but it's pretty expensive. Anyway, you should try it! You can choose a flavor and add whatever you want: from M&M's, gummi candies to different kind of fruits and sauce. When I was in Warsaw I saw Louis Vuitton's shop. I wish I had one bag of his project! Maybe one day, I will be able to buy one. 
Besides, I when I was whopping, I bought wonderful shoes in Tally Weijl, they're floral boots! What do you think about them? 
I wish all of you (if somebody read it) great time! Feel free to comment! :) 


Shoes I bought, the phooto isn't so good. You can see them here:

Letters to Finland and Germany

Here are the photos of letters to Tiina(Finland), Helmi (Finland) and Janine(Germany).

To Tiina:

To Helmi:

 To Janine:

Letter from Finland & package from USA

Firstly, I got a letter from Helmi(Finland). She replied really fast! And the letter is cute as always, she added some stickers, notes and a chocolate coin.

Przyszedł do mnie list od Helmi(Finlandia). Odpisała bardzo szybko! List jest cudowny jak zawsze, razem z listem były naklejki, karteczki i czekoladowa moneta.

I've been waiting for so long time for the package from Alyssa- my pen pal from USA and above one week ago package arrived to me. I was excited when I was opening it as always. She sent me a necklace, which she caught on a parade, stickers, two things which are like for bottles and a postcard with a recipe.

Czekałam bardzo długo na paczke od Alyssy z USA i jakiś tydzień temu paczka dotarła do mnie. Jak zawsze byłam podekscytowana kiedy otwierałam. Dostałam od niej łańcuszek(trochę duży :D), miała go z parady, naklejki, dwa opakowania(nie wiem jak to nazwać), które chyba są na butelki i pocztówkę z przepisem.

sobota, 19 lipca 2014

Letter to Finland & packages from and to USA

Recently I sent letter to Helmi from Finland. Unfortunately, it was so long delay in sending letter to her ( almost one year). But now, when I have some free time , I try to answer faster.

Ostatnio wysłałam list do Helmi do Finlandii. Niestety list był z długim opóźnieniem( prawie rok), wcześniej jakoś nie miałam kiedy. Ale teraz mam trochę więcej czasu wolnego, dlatego postaram się odpisywać szybciej.

here's the photo of the letter sent to Helmi:

And some time ago I received lovely package from my pen pal-Jessica from USA. She sent me some sweets, chewing gum, hot chocolate, NYLON magazine <3 and some other little things. How amazing is that? :) You can see all the package in the photo below:

Jakis czas temu dostałam tez cudowną paczkę od Jessiki z USA. Wysłała mi słodycze, gumy do żucia, czekoladę do picia ,czasopismo NYLON <3 , i kilka innych drobiazgów. Zdjęcie poniżej:
 And after few days I wrote the letter to her and prepared the package. I also sent her some sweets, hot chocolate, tea, face mask, cereals and fashion magazine in Polish, beacuse she wished for that.

Po kilku dniach odpisałam na list( tym razem bardzo szybko) i przygotowałam paczkę dla Jessiki. Wysłalam słodycze, czekolade do picia, herbatki, maseczke do twarzy , płatki i magazyn modowy po polsku, bo prosiła mnie czy mogłabym jej wysłać.

czwartek, 10 lipca 2014

Postcards: sent and received via postcrossing

 To Netherlands/ Holandia
 To China/ Chiny
 Return card from Germany/ Niemcy
Second return card from the same person, Germany/Niemcy

poniedziałek, 16 czerwca 2014

sent postcards(postcrossing) and others

I don't know if someone reads this, but whatever! :p Recently, I sent few postcards but forgot to take pics of all them. Hope they'll not be lost.
I still do have exams and have to study, but I'm already tired and lazy. Anyway, hope to pass all of the exams. 3 exams and then I'll have holidays, but not for sure.. Because I'm going to find a job for myself.

Nie wiem czy ktoś czyta mojego bloga, ale wszystko jedno! :p Ostatnio wysłałam kilka pocztówek, ale oczywiście jak zwykle zapomniałam zrobić zdjęcia wszystkich. Mam nadzieje że tym razme się nie zgubią, jak to sotatnio bywa.
Cały czas mam egzaminy i muszę się uczyć,ale już mi się nie chce! Jednak, mama nadzieję ze zdam wszystkie. Jeszcze tylko 3 egzaminy i potem wakacje. Mam zamiar poszukac sobie jakiejś pracy.

 to USA

 to Belarus (Białoruś)

 Walking with my dog

Picture take from a car

Feel free to coments!